Don't allow situations to change you, you should change the situation!! There are plenty of opportunities out there waiting for some people to come and grab them with both hands...people must know that these opportunities don't have feet to come to them,but people do have feet to go out there look for these opportunities. We still have thet idealogy of believing that being from a poor backgroud family the situation there will still remain that way even if you are a grown up person who has responsibility,instead of thinking that there are possibilities that someone can change the situation and that someone is you! Thinking ahead marketing yourself as the moto says: "KUTHATHA ISIKHATHI" it takes time and patient to get the outcomes you didn't expect only if you do believe in yourself,self-esteem and self confidence. Even though things wont exactly work out the way we/you thought or expected they would,but if you keep motivating yourself one day you will eat the fruit of the three you planted! Tell yourself that in your clan(family) you will be the first person to take it higher,starting from the bottom that simply means you can get on top. If you don't know where you coming from you wont know where you going to! Situations we find ourselves in that does'nt mean its the end of the road/world,in life you have to go unforseen you have to face obstacles,challenges to get where you want to see yourself. We should'nt let situations turn us into things we would regret to see ourself in such as criminals, these situation can be changed by you yourself by just telling that situation that I WONT ALLOW YOU TO TAKE CONTROL OF ME CHANGE ME NO...I WILL CHANGE YOU!! And know that even in the situation you find yourself in today it is just for a while. Prayer changes things and faith.

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