There is no restriction on the fields of study other than one of the fields which focuses on university of technology studies for fields relevant to Rand Water’s operations. Bursaries are available for first degrees and do not cover post-graduate studies.


Open Bursary Scheme


The aim of this scheme is to meet the needs of the organisation. The bursaries are awarded to persons from previously disadvantaged backgrounds. These bursaries have in the main been in engineering and scientific fields and carry an obligation for the recipient to work for Rand Water for a period on completion of their studies. Rand Water employs such bursars at its discretion, based on organisational requirements. These bursaries are open to all, including children of staff, who compete on the same basis as external applicants.


Bursaries are offered in fields which are relevant to Rand Water’s operational requirements and where there is a comparative scarcity of potential employees with appropriate tertiary qualifications. These fields are primarily the following, although others may apply from time to time: Engineering (Chemical, mechanical, electrical), Chemistry, Microbiology and Computer Science.



If you want a form send us an e-mail or ask for a copy when we come to your site