we often don't take pride in the little things that we have we are so blinded by material things and having money that we don't notice what little things we have can make us happy. don't let your worth be determined by the price of your clothes neither where you come from, but take pride in what you have you might be suprised something so little can turn into something big.there are two ways of being rich, 1 is to have all you want the other is to be satisfied with what you have. learn to work with what you have in that way you will never label you as poor. 

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Comment by Lungile Mthethwa on January 25, 2013 at 1:05pm

dankie sakhile just keep it that way and never lose momentum..it's the little things and the joy they bring.

Comment by Sakhile on January 24, 2013 at 7:10pm

Indeed Lungi. Thanks to YZ's I have learnt to appreciate the the little things I'd usually take for granted.

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