Saturday Orange Farm Youthzones Site visited Elandsvlei Youthzones Site as part of Youthzones programs of making friendships with other youth from different communities that has friendship with Youthzones

we played football games with under15&Seniors. both teams played the games in the name of making friendship and fair play. at the end we achieved our goals of football let it be the winner that at the end of the day unite this two teams and players.

after our games we had a discussion about how the day went and what did we learn from each as we spend the day together.

From Orange Farm Site we learned the following from the elandsvlei

*The community of Elandsvlei it's very supportive to each other as the community.

*Elandsvlei is the diversity community that has different cultures and they respect each and support each other.

*We must learn to appreciate the little we have and take care of it. e.g Elandsvlei community has water tank that they share to get water and you have to walk a distance to get water meanwhile here in Orange Farm we have water near our places in our yard.

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