story of her life,it began at a young age while she lived with her brother. Both parents alive but not there to live with her, she is always focused at school even though there are somethings disturbing in the life she is in. Her brother once tried sleeping with her but she had the guts to stand against it and its though hard for her to have girl talk so to know more of the world she lives within. She is now focusing on getting through with progressing in life so to make things better, her long term goal is to get very great results for matrix and get the opportunity to see herself ahead with studies in university to build this nation. To change the world it begins with this generation,you as an individual. The community serves as the biggest source of succeeding to all as they can help get along and I stand and say together we can do better than more. As the late Nelson Mandela said ''Education is the key to success''.

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