Well, leadership means both research and practical skills, regarding the ability of an individual or organisation to lead or guide other individuals by influence,through inspiration.It's about organizing, coordinating of resources, energies and relationship in a productive context for an intended result. It needs vision and purpose that generates passion for accomplishment, and be instinctive.

-Aiming for results and never desire to lead but to serve. Must've ability to know where you going and inspire others, by motivation to go with you responding to responsibilities, and be a model to your followers or subordinates.Real qualities of leadership are to be found in those who're willing to suffer for the sake of objectives great enough to demand their whole-hearten obedience. An important ingredient of the leadership function is the ability to draw best out of other people  and inspire them to maximize their potentials and that of the resources they manage. Mind that their is a different between a leader and Manager.

- True leadership inspires to discover, develop and become themselves, and provide opportunities for others.Regardless of the title, one can't be a leader without follower-ship. True greatness and true leadership aren't achieved by reducing man to ones' service,but in giving service to them.The leader is his own raw material, he's inwardly directed, self-esteemed, truly charismatic and dynamic (Instinct). Should contain PASSION :- able  to control desires and love for the work; INTEGRITY:- true to self (honest), self knowledge (instinct), dedication, observation, maturity. TRUST:- not acquired or bought but earned. CURIOSITY and DARING:-challenging traditions,experimenting and exploiting whilst not worried about failures.

- I would like to express some slight differences between a Leader and a Manager.

A LEADER - innovates, is an original, develops, focus on people, inspires trust,long range perspective,asks what and why,eyes on the horizon, originates,etc ,to mention just a few.

A MANAGER:-administers, is a copy, maintains, focus on systems and structures, relies on control, asks how and when, eyes on bottom line, imitates, etc mentioning just a few.

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