Day. 27

Same storm but a different boat.

I came across this analogy in my reading today and it resonated with what I wanted to reflect on - same storm but a different boat.

I appreciate the effort and the dedication of the president and his team(cabinet) a round of applause. Besides, we are so grateful to have him as our President. We are led.

Now, here is what I pondered about throughout the day. One solution is definitely not going to work for all families/people. Why?

1. Almost all of his interventions are a response/ a different approach to the predicament that took place recently. Which means the culprits will still rip off the poor.

2. Data is still a major issue for thousands of people. Obviously, due to social distancing, a lot of things will be performed digitally/online. Deserving will still not access the funds.

3. Nepotism, people won't stop prioritizing their family and friends. The poor who are not connected to any person in the territory, unfortunately, for them.

4. The ever hard-working leadership in the municipalities they'll be put at the sideline, they won't be given enough time/platform to express their views/ideas on how the money can be sourced. The poor will yet again suffer the consequences.

5. Since there will be an increase in grants and the unemployed will receive an income of R350 monthly. It is also compulsory for every learner and student to receive 5G every month. CELLC, VODACOM, MTN and many more can assist in giving away tablets for the poor.

It is very sad that one solution can never work for all people. However, with dedicated leadership, a lot can be accomplished. The pandemic is affecting all of us, nonetheless, the privileged continue to be ahead, while we still rack in poverty. So it is very important for everone to mind their spot before, they can bash on the impoverished(us).

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