Wayne's Blog (52)

Earl antenatal booking

Ladies, you missed your period?

Go get a pregnancy test done.

Turns out negative, seek medical help.

Turns out positive, go get booked at the clinic. There you'll discuss everything you need to know about the pregnancy. Even know your options if you decide to not keep the baby.

There's absolutely no need for you to arrive at the hospital with your baby already coming out and there's no known obstetrical history about you and your… Continue

Added by wayne on October 11, 2020 at 11:12pm — No Comments

Reading For Fun

Last was one of the most interesting years for me personally, even though some of my targets were not met but i can stand proud and say yes i did well. i did start a reading habit were i began to read for fun, collecting as much knowledge as i can to improve my vocabulary and the English language. i have read a variety of books from a wide range of authors, the likes of:

1. Paulo Coelho - The Achemist ( Use this inspiring fable to get guidance and inspiration…


Added by wayne on January 15, 2018 at 1:37pm — 1 Comment

Be vigilant

I know its exciting times and around festive people tend to get more excited. I edge all of you family members to be vigilant, if you are to do shopping betterbring a trusted person around. May you have a blessed wonderful merry Christmas, and a happy New year. let's live life to the fulles. I love you guys 

Added by wayne on December 17, 2017 at 12:16pm — No Comments

If i had R10000

If I was given R10 000 five years ago I might have considered spending it all on candies, clothing or gadgets. As I have grown a little older, I have learned that no matter how small the amount of money, I can make a major impact on someone’s life and also in mine. Remember it doesnt matter how much money is but it can make an impact whether in ypur education, business or even community work. We must learn to treasure what we have while we still can

Added by wayne on October 15, 2017 at 2:22pm — No Comments

Just opened a netball team

Hello guys, ive recently opened a netball team and would like some tips and advice on how to handle and manage the girls, as being a guy managing girls becomes difficult since they are different from boys. Id love to hear your comments and tips and to keep in touch with me 0744155172
Sithaguwayne@gmail.com. Thank you in advance.

Added by wayne on September 20, 2017 at 2:57pm — No Comments

Empowering Youth and giving health care

Good afternoon youthzones family. I have recently joined hands with one of the organizations in our community called Rotanganedza Commnity Care. Their mendate is to empower youth, encourage them in furthering their studies. We also give care to the people infected with various diseases, suffering from anxiety, depression just to name a few. We also collect medication frpm the local clinoc for those who cant manage to walk to the clinic. You can also do the same in your own comminty give care… Continue

Added by wayne on May 11, 2017 at 1:08pm — No Comments


Other people's opinion of you does not have to become your reality, its necessary to know that not everybody will see it. That everybody wont join you, that everybody wont have the vision you have, it is necessary to know that. A lot of people will complain but they don't want to do anything about their situation. That you are an uncommon BREED!!!!!!!

Added by wayne on April 25, 2017 at 9:43am — No Comments

Register, Grow and Empower with Easy Browse Pty Ltd

My business is up an running guys, remember youthzones funded us with capitals summing up to 8000 and its been two years since they gave us the money.Now that im registered with cipro and i applied for a BEE and i wish the youthzone family can spread the word about Easy Browse Pty Ltd. It focuses mainly on empowering the society of South Africa by helping them Register, Grow and Empower their businesses. We give you the chance to make your business be recognised across the country the list goes… Continue

Added by wayne on April 23, 2017 at 12:08pm — No Comments

Foloti and I need help on whats needed to start an junior Leageu

Hello fam, as the guys who are busy with the brandvlei youth, we have decided to start a junior league where kids will develop their skills fron an early age but we need help on how to start and influence people to start this initiative.

any suggestions you may send then to sithaguwayne@gmail.com


Added by wayne on April 21, 2017 at 12:54pm — No Comments

NEED GUIDENCE and some suggestions on people who would like to give hands in our NPO "lightshed foundation, formerly known as Green light foundation

Good morning family members, my friends and i want to start a shisa nyama kasi business. We are currently stuck on the materials and how much and what kind of materials does one need to start a butchery and a shisanyama business.

Adding that we have decided to reshuffle our administration in our organisation and decided to change the name to lightshed foundation since we want more involvement from our community youth and parents. we want to change and drive the mentality of…


Added by wayne on April 4, 2017 at 11:30am — No Comments

Final year student in Bsc.Mathematical Sciences

Finally I am doing my final year on this tough and exciting career. I will appreciate to if any company would offer me a graduate program.

Added by wayne on January 26, 2017 at 10:37am — No Comments

Growing Up

What's growing up? I often ask myself, is it about how many years you have lived. I think its not about the age itself but how you use your maturity and experience of your time on this society to create a better way of Living

People damage their mentality with this thing called poor

..to me poor doesn't have an effect on my way of living, we all rich. Think about it, we all have 24hours, the brain

that's the perfect capital you could as for in your live to start something… Continue

Added by wayne on October 11, 2016 at 5:05pm — No Comments

Dreams are the seed of all archievements

After reading forming a book club with some of my new recruit team, there has been great closure to true meaning in life, i had lost hope in my dreams. My faith in the infinite intelligence was way weak than i can imagine but after reading "THINK AND GROW RICH" something just clicked, i have learned that life doesnt come easy and is a task on its own to be completed. If taken for granted it will knock you down but if you believe in whats within you then the giant within will be awaken by…


Added by wayne on August 10, 2016 at 12:24pm — No Comments

Invest in me

I am currently doing my third year but repeating some of the modules, I lost my Bursary for this year. I am paying for my accommodation from the little I can from tutoring since my mom lost her job through illness. My dad is also helping there and there. My business is falling apart since I'm forever at school. I'm studying Bsc Mathematical sciences at UJ majoring in applied mathematics and stats.

Added by wayne on March 26, 2016 at 12:55pm — No Comments

career day cancelled

Good day, I announce the disappoinments of the cancellation of Wayne's career launch due to lack of support

Added by wayne on March 25, 2016 at 4:31pm — No Comments

Positive Attitude

We all wanna have a great life but miss one important factor to archiving that "positivee attitude ". Set goals everyday don't loose track of them, stick by them and be happy. Don't get knocked down by failure it is there to make you strong and realize your mistakes. Act like an arrow, for it to be powered up it has to be pulled backwards, so even you doesn't mean having a setback means give up No, it only means come back stronger than before and this time break every set backs that are in… Continue

Added by wayne on March 13, 2016 at 2:18pm — No Comments

Please like our education programme

We are trying to build a better platform for the disadvantaged school around township schools. We offer tutoring in Physics, Mathematics, Accounting, Computer Computence and Life Sciences, some subject will add on as time goes  on.

our facebook page: …


Added by wayne on February 22, 2016 at 2:44pm — No Comments

Positive behaviour

1. Dont let a negative respond break your mood, just because the other person is having a bad day doesnt mean you too have to suffer, if they are rude to you just respond with a big smile a greeting of its great day can you feel it.

2. Change the way you wake up.

Im not saying the directions but the attitude should be positive, for example you can say its gonna be a great day and im looking forward to the activities of the day.

3 take everyday as an… Continue

Added by wayne on February 2, 2016 at 9:31am — No Comments

Wayne wont give up but give it all

life comes as a gift. there will be people to build you or break your goals, its on us to decide on what we want. I am 22 years this still a student in Bsc Mathematical Sciences majoring in Mathematical statistics and Applied Mathematics, i am struggling with stats not that is difficult. Its been the mindset that has been killing me. But this year i believe and trust myself enough to not let the distractions around me to break me, as i have realized that life on its own is the most valuable…


Added by wayne on February 1, 2016 at 10:03pm — No Comments

Hunger for power and media effects#crime

Its one major problem in townships. Crime is affecting everyone. In my opinion I blame it o the media, youth is being controled by the things they see on media. People tend to seek power in such way that hurting other people seems to be a hobby in our everyday life. Shortcuts seems to be the leading way in every work of our daily life of which is wrong. If we stop to entertain what the media is doing to us I believe the rate will fall. As for the hunger for power, money being the influence to… Continue

Added by wayne on October 31, 2015 at 1:17pm — No Comments

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