Siyabulela Foloti's Blog (169)

If you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission

If you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission

As entrepreneurs, leaders, and bosses, we must realize that everything we think about we are projecting into the future because Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out. People who are talented by far don’t live a creative life; they must lose the fear of being wrong and go for it no matter if you in the beauty of Poverty. Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of… Continue

Added by Siyabulela Foloti on December 15, 2016 at 9:48am — No Comments

Vuka u zenzele walala wasala.

It is beautiful images that you upload every weekend of the expensive places you spend the night and the whiskies you are drinking but when will you make your own money? On monday morning your friends are back to work place to make money, you are in blankets reading comments of your weekend images and you claim to live a good life, really? Success is not transmitted you work for it, you create it, you sacrifice for it, you don't wish for it, you hustle for it, you get educated for it,…


Added by Siyabulela Foloti on December 15, 2016 at 9:33am — No Comments

Your parents wants the best for you that's why they choose career for you but what's important is what you want for yourself

At times they may not understand your dream but if you bilieve it will become reality and have faith while praying about it then that's where you should focus on, not to prove them wrong but serving your purpose on earth by doing what is within you not what is coming from outside.…


Added by Siyabulela Foloti on December 15, 2016 at 9:18am — No Comments

Amazing Quotes By Famous People That Will Teach You What Success is All About

1. Sachin Tendulkar :

"I have never thoughtless where I will go, or forced any targets on myself." "I am not thinking too far ahead, just want to take it one thing at a time."

2. Steve Jobs :

"Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other opinions drown your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition,… Continue

Added by Siyabulela Foloti on December 14, 2016 at 3:10pm — No Comments

Entrepreneurs are born and Entrepreneurs are made

Entrepreneurs are born and Entrepreneurs are made

Entrepreneurs are born and Entrepreneurs are made. One definition of an Entrepreneur is someone who shows marked superiority. We’ve all heard of great Entrepreneurs, and we’ve probably all seen a few on television. What comes to mind when I see their amazing ability is the amount of training they have endured, the sacrifices they’ve made, and the courage they’ve had to have to get where they are and this is true for all context from… Continue

Added by Siyabulela Foloti on December 14, 2016 at 1:53pm — No Comments

Everyone knows that the earth is moving

Everyone knows that the earth
is moving but none of them is
seeing it moving.
They know that your life is
stagnent because none of them
is seeing it moving but slowly
but surely God is taking ur to ur
Destiny, God is taking ur life in
a direction of all the promises
he makes to u in the bible, ur
life is changing but no one is
seeing it coming only God is
seeing it. Be still & know He is

Added by Siyabulela Foloti on September 1, 2016 at 11:42am — 1 Comment


It's not that these guys
chineese, zimbabweans &
nigerians are smarter than us,
it's just that they learn too much
of their skills in schools while
we were busy learning L.O &
MLMMS then after grade12, u
get vacancy says NO MATHS

Added by Siyabulela Foloti on August 24, 2016 at 7:17pm — No Comments


A life time problems & struggles
begines when u make peace
with poverty.
In life u should do by all means
to fight poverty with everything
u have, fight it until ur last day
on earth.

Added by Siyabulela Foloti on August 24, 2016 at 7:09pm — No Comments

It's not like we don't wanna chill

It's not like we don't wanna
chill, hang around corner
streets, watch tv all day long or
sleep till the next day, or spend
8hours online gossiping, it's
just that now it's no longer one
man's dream but a legacy
building for our kids but when
we were sleeping the whole
day, we didn't know that even a
19year old black child can
become a Billionaire. Now we
know, we are busy building

Added by Siyabulela Foloti on August 2, 2016 at 2:50pm — No Comments

You have to shake off

“You have to shake off the

negative things people have

said about you. Shake off the

low self-esteem and the

inferiority and start carrying

yourself like Kings, Champions,

Winners..Don’t settle where you

are. You have seeds of

greatness on the inside. Put

these principles into action each

day. Get up in the morning

expecting good things, go

through the day positive,

focused on your vision, running

your race, knowing that you… Continue

Added by Siyabulela Foloti on June 30, 2016 at 10:50am — No Comments

Team work its very important


DIE ekasi?

Our main problem is that we start

by competing & despising each

other instead of building each

other, supporting & grooming

each other, many NGO's that were

funded by social development

when they started they never even

run for a period of 3years, u know

why? Because people who started

them, started on a wrong purpose

& when money rolls in they

became greedy instead of being… Continue

Added by Siyabulela Foloti on June 22, 2016 at 1:25pm — No Comments

Mind your business

Take care of business. You know

the saying, "mind your own

business". There is truth to that.

Learn to invest in you because life

is needing a return on that

investment. To give your best you

must be your best. The only way

to do that is to learn to center

yourself and be grounded. Find

your command center, the mind,

and control it instead of letting it

control you. Stop worrying

because 85% of the things you

worry about will not… Continue

Added by Siyabulela Foloti on June 9, 2016 at 1:04pm — No Comments

The power it's in your hands

The power to win is in your hands.

Do not stop now. Do not even

think about it! Do not let a delay

become a denial.

Change your strategy. The law of

possibility is on your side. Go

outside yourself. Ask for help and

do not stop until you get it. Come

back and look at it again with

fresh eyes.

Focus on winning - not on the

obstacles or challenges. Do not

obsess and stress about what you

need, or what is going wrong in

your… Continue

Added by Siyabulela Foloti on June 6, 2016 at 2:54pm — No Comments

Don't give up

"Every difficulty is Carrying a seed

of opportunity. Every pain holds a

seed of Glory. when you go

through pain and decide not to

quit, this pain will leave you, but it

will not leave you the same person

you used to be.. It will change you

, shape you and make you the

person you need to be to achieve

the dreams you desire.. Cry but

don't quit. Scream but keep Going,

you are already in pain. you are

already hurt. Get a reward from… Continue

Added by Siyabulela Foloti on June 6, 2016 at 11:26am — No Comments

Keep going

*KEEP GOING* Its very easy 2
give into the temptation of
"feeling tired" this time of nite,
wen chasing ur goal. Read that
extra chapter, study 1 more
hour, finish that proposal. The
only difference between ppl, is
the ability 2 maximise their time
& finishing what they start!

Added by Siyabulela Foloti on June 2, 2016 at 12:57pm — No Comments

Invest to yourself

The biggest favour that you can

do for yourself is Investing in

yourself. Ensure that you are your

biggest asset, that way no matter

what obstacle comes your way,

you will still have yourself. People

may turn their backs on you,

Investors may pull out of your

ideas, your loved ones may not

believe in you, and everybody else

may resent and reject you, but as

long as you still have yourself,

nothing can stop you. My best

advice is… Continue

Added by Siyabulela Foloti on June 2, 2016 at 11:58am — No Comments


Every one of us has a purpose.

Knowing What your purpose is

gives you a sense of direction. It

defines you and gives you clarity

on who you are, where you're

from and where you're supposed

to be. It gives you a backbone to

stand up for yourself and say No

to anything that isn't aligned with

your vision. Until you find out

what your purpose is, you'll

continue feeling lost because you

are. Stop conforming. Stop trying

to impress.… Continue

Added by Siyabulela Foloti on June 1, 2016 at 2:18pm — No Comments

This is life

"Don’t go through life and

miss your destiny. You

weren’t created to get by,

survive, to stay at the same

level year after year. You

were created to excel. You

have potential in you waiting

to come out. Stir up your faith

and go after what God has put

in your heart..God has

equipped you, empowered

you, and put seeds of

greatness inside of you.. No

weapon formed against you

can prosper. Pay no mind to

the people that are… Continue

Added by Siyabulela Foloti on May 4, 2016 at 3:04pm — No Comments

Black child its possible

That car u stare @ from the
window of a taxi BLACK CHILD ITS
POSSIBLE, that house on the hill-
top u tell every1 its only ikhokho
that stay there BLACK CHILD ITS
POSSIBLE! Amazing things only
happen when U Start making them
happen! ANYTHING you put your
mind on, as long as God made it,
God made it for YOU! BLACK

Added by Siyabulela Foloti on May 4, 2016 at 7:18am — No Comments

If you have never failed at at anything

If you have never failed at anything, then you have never reached for a big enough goal. If you only choose goals that are safe, familiar and right, you will never stretch far enough to know who you really can become or what you are capable of doing.

To do something different, you will need to be someone different. Decide to leave your safety zone. Move beyond fear of failure to the possibility of authentically and consistently living your truth and creating a bigger life. You have…


Added by Siyabulela Foloti on April 28, 2016 at 1:24pm — No Comments

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